Regulation of Relative Price in the Variability of China General Price Index and Implications of Macro-economy Control 中国物价总指数变动中的相对价格调整及其宏观调控含义
General retail price index 社会零售物价总指数
The results show that the increasing rate of both general money and narrow money and their difference have remarkable effect on the fluctuation of price index. 结果表明:广义货币和狭义货币的增长率以及两者之差对物价指数的波动均有较显著的影响。
This essay provides the reader with a general introduction to Hong Kong stock market in respect to the history, variety of stocks, the price index of stocks, and the various factors exerting influence on the fluctuation of the prices of the stocks. 本文一般地介绍了香港股票市场的沿革、股票种类、股票价格指数及影响股票价格升降的诸因素等,以便读者对香港股票市场有个概括的了解。
The total power of agricultural machinery and consumption of agricultural chemical fertilizer become more and more important to grain output, however the influence of the electricity consumed in rural and general purchasing price index of grain is slight. 农业机械总动力和化肥施用量对粮食总产量的影响不断上升,农业用电量和粮食收购价格指数对粮食总产量影响较小;
Moreover, the general conclusion of advanced lagged relationship between them is verified, which is helpful to realize the price finding function in share index futures market and the effects of arbitrage to market. 进一步验证了期货和现货超前滞后关系的一般性结论,研究结论有利于认识股指期货市场的价格发现功能和套利活动对市场的影响。
Positive increase in the national general retail price index ( GRPI) has been maintained for 13 successive months since January, 2004 in China, its maximum increase being 3.1% in October. 目前全国商品零售物价自2004年1月以来连续13个月出现正增长,在2004年10月达3.1%。
Traditional costing methods were based on general budgeting system. according to the principle of transfer price to define responsibility centres and, the performance of responsibility centre is associated with its financial index. 传统的成本管理方法是通过全面预算成本管理对整个经营过程进行成本核算和预算,根据内部转移价格的原理,划分责任中心,然后通过责任中心考核来实现成本的降低。
Second, Based on empirical studies on the export prices in connection with the RMB exchange rate, the paper differs with the general study of only considering the overall export price index and the relationship with the exchange rate. 第二,为了考察行业和国别效应,本文引入了面板数据分析方法进行研究,这与以往对人民币汇率和出口价格的关系的研究中只考虑总体出口价格指数与汇率关系是不同的。
When there is a sticker price in the sports industry, its effects on the price index of consuming goods and the general price index is one of the smallest of all the trades in the whole national economy. 6. 中国体育产业的价格发生变动时,对中国消费品价格指数和价格总指数的影响作用,在整个国民经济各产业部门中是最小的产业部门之一。
Based on hedonic price index theories, exploring the fundamental statistical implications embodied in the current practical hedonic price index. A general framework for classifying hedonic price index is proposed, and definitions for different hedonic price indexes against the proposed classification framework are given out. 论文以特征价格理论为基础,阐述了当前特征价格指数的基本统计思想,建立了特征价格指数一般理论分析框架,在这一框架下给出了特征价格指数的定义和分类。
Through the analysis of ECM model, it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself, the gross regional product, registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。